After years of toiling in relative obscurity, it seems that the clitoris - the sole function of which is the female orgasm, will finally get her day in court. The mascot for France’s 2024 Olympic Games was recently revealed to be an oversized clitoris. Actually, a PAIR of them. Officials insist that the clitorial resemblance is purely accidental and say the mascots were designed to suggest the Phrygian cap, the three-cornered hat so important to the French.

The little pink creatures have caused quite a stir internationally and some feminists consider this fact alone to be a triumph considering not so long ago, few people even knew what the clitoris looked like, let alone where it was and how best to engage it.

In what can only be surmised as a cryptic nod to lesbianism, the two mascots share a motto of “Alone we go faster, but together we go further”.

It is hoped that the cheerful and energetic pair will spark renewed interest in the female orgasm, French or otherwise.


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